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Network and stay on the cutting edge of cardiothoracic surgeryView All >
An opportunity for early and mid-career STS surgeon members to learn how to lead in and out of the OR.
Event dates
Mar 21, 2024 – Jan 23, 2025
Zoom, Chicago, and Los Angeles

Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is a blood test that can be used to detect and monitor thoracic malignancies. It is being used to detect mutations, monitor for recurrence after surgery and other treatments, and can even be used in conjunction with screening to help identify malignancy. As the field continues to advance, it is crucial for thoracic surgeons, trainees, and healthcare providers to stay informed about the latest developments in ctDNA testing and its applications for thoracic patients.

Sponsored by AstraZeneca


7 p.m. ET
The latest techniques and management strategies in cardiovascular and thoracic critical care and enhanced recovery after surgery for the entire care team.
Event dates
Oct 25–26, 2024
Philadelphia, PA

News & Media

The latest from the field of thoracic surgeryView All >

Earlier this month, more than 470 data managers attended the 2024 Advances in Quality & Outcomes: A Data Manager’s Meeting (AQO) in Nashville, both virtually and in person. Throughout the successful three-day event, surgical team data managers deepened their understanding of the STS National Database. They learned about new features, functionality, quality improvement initiatives, and research outcomes from surgeon leaders, Database platform experts, and fellow data managers. This expanded knowledge will help them be integral to their heart team as they lead their centers to improve clinical outcomes and patient safety using the STS National Database.

AQO 2024
Attendees included (l to r): Ram Kumar Subramanyan, MD, PhD; John E. Mayer Jr., MD; Timothe L’Heureux, MHA; Susana C. Reid, BSN, RN, CPN; Amanda McGlinchey, MHA, RN, CCRN; and Erin Hunter-McPhan, BSN, RN. 

The event showcased the Database's unique analytical power in supporting ongoing outcomes analysis and continuous improvement efforts for each institution. Experts led in-depth discussions and presented four learning tracks to help users master each Database registry: Adult Cardiac, Congenital Heart, General Thoracic, and Intermacs/Pedimacs.

Here’s what a few attendees had to say:

  • “Thank you for the opportunity to speak at AQO this year. It was very well organized, and I felt I had excellent communication throughout the process. I know A LOT of work goes into coordinating events like this, so thank you for your efforts. It was really nice to get to talk with other users and share tips and tricks!” – Marie Wilson, MSHQS, MSN, RN, quality coordinator at University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital
  • “The conference last week was great!  I really enjoyed the presentations, Q&A, and meeting other data managers.  Keep up the great work!”– Clera Sugarbaker, performance improvement analyst/abstractor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center
  • “Thank you for a great conference. I am proud to be a part of the STS Intermacs community. We truly do great things!! Looking forward to what is to come.” – Elizabeth Spreen, RN, clinical quality analyst at Baton Rouge General Medical Center

Check out the AQO photo gallery

Sep 25, 2024
2 min read

Former US Navy Commander Mike Abrashoff joins Dr. Michael Maddaus for a conversation on leadership with humanity. Abrashoff shares his success in turning around a struggling ship, the USS Benfold, which became the subject of his New York Times bestselling book, It's Your Ship. Learn how to know when it's appropriate to break the rules, when to challenge your superiors, how to do so without endangering your career and how to foster learning and innovation among the ranks of people conditioned to follow orders.


50 mins.
physician patient relationship

Early career cardiothoracic surgeons have many important relationships that need to be managed and developed. The patient relationship can be excellent, a source of pride and healing, or damaging, a source of stress and contempt.

3 min read
Olugbenga Okusanya, MD
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STS News, the Society’s quarterly magazine for members only, brings you the latest CT surgery news, research, stories, and more to help keep you in the know and connected to your peers.

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Member Voices

Joseph F. Sabik

Joseph F. Sabik III, MD

STS Second Vice President
It’s about making sure that patients get the right treatment, so they can have the best long-term outcomes.
Africa Wallace, MD

Africa F. Wallace, MD

DEI Workforce Member
Our roles as attendings, division chiefs, chairs, coaches, and mentors come with a larger responsibility.

Robert S.D. Higgins, MD

STS Past President
STS was the first place where I was welcomed to be part of like-minded surgeons focused on patients, who improved outcomes, and had a mission.