The Reviewer of the Year award is announced annually to recognize outstanding peer reviewers for The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. The Editorial Board highlights a winner in each of the three main disciplines—Adult Cardiac, General Thoracic, and Congenital Heart Surgery—in addition to highlighting one trainee/resident award winner. 
The Annals recognizes these 2022 contributors who consistently provided a combination of high-quality, thorough, and professional reviews in a timely manner: 

Adult Cardiac
Heidi J. Reich, MD
from Central California Heart and Lung Surgery, Fresno, California 

General Thoracic
Alejandro Bribriesco, MD 
from Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio 

Nishant Saran, MBBS 
from Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota 

Alejandro Suarez-Pierre, MD
University of Colorado, Aurora, Colorado

“Reviewing for The Annals is an act of generosity, a responsibility to uphold high standards, and a privilege,” said editor Joanna Chikwe, MD, FRCS. “This year’s winners demonstrated extreme dedication, and their work helped authors conduct better studies and write better papers.” 

The Annals is tremendously grateful for this year’s recipients for safeguarding the quality and integrity of scholarly communication,” Dr. Chikwe continued. “Their work, and the work of other contributors, has made The Annals the most cited journal in cardiothoracic surgery.” 

STS experts interested in peer reviewing for The Annals are invited to join the Reviewer Volunteer program, which provides senior editors with a qualified pool of potential reviewers when editors are working with manuscripts in different areas of expertise. For more information, contact