Dear Members,

Happy New Year Everyone!
I had planned a very different column welcoming in the new year but the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles have shifted the focus. Although I am a lifelong Midwesterner, my husband is a born-and-raised LA boy. I had never been there before we met, so I had the great fortune of being introduced to all the great things in LA by a native.
My husband and I share many happy memories in LA, where his parents lived until their passing. My children spent their younger years romping through the city and have many favorite spots. We have numerous dear friends who live in LA, and several have lost everything. I know there are members of our society who have experienced unimaginable losses of home and property.
My thoughts and prayers are with all those in the LA area including all who are tirelessly trying to contain the flames, those who have provided shelter for others, and those who are navigating devastating losses. Los Angeles is an amazing city with a rich history and a beautiful landscape. My entire family is praying for abatement of the fires and safety for all. I hope we can gather as a community and enjoy the wonderful offerings in Los Angeles at the end of the month.
Holiday Sentiments
I sincerely hope all had a chance to spend time with valued friends and family. This season marks the end of a year and the start of a new one. It is a time to be both grateful for what you have received and hopeful for the year to come.
Throughout my career, families of my patients have asked how they can thank me for helping their child. I tell them to go home, love them, and send me a holiday card so I can see their family grow! I returned to the office last week to a pile of those cards filled with smiley faces and growing kids. I love to look at the photos of thriving children. For me, this fills my bucket. Being able to see these families and children, who traveled through some of their hardest days, now thriving, gives me the energy and focus to take on the next day. I hope that all of you have had a chance to reflect on the year past, see all that you have done to make the lives of those around you better, and fill your bucket for the year to come.
2025 Annual Meeting
We are watching the LA fires closely and hope that we will be able to come together in a few weeks for STS 2025. I am so excited about the upcoming meeting. The program planning committee has filled the agenda with amazing science, impactful invited speakers, and important sessions on well-being. A fireside chat with Jennifer Doudna to learn about her journey to develop CRISPR technology and enjoying the visual odyssey provided by National Geographic photographer Ami Vitale will be highlights for all.
The annual meeting will be a great opportunity to connect with colleagues, learn new things, and hopefully leave invigorated for the year to come. Please be sure to attend the meeting kick-off with the Nina Starr Braunwald Extraordinary Women in CT Surgery Awards Breakfast Friday morning and the President’s Reception on Saturday evening at my children’s favorite venue, the Los Angeles Natural History Museum.
New Member Benefits
The STS has many new benefits planned for our members. We listen to your feedback and are constantly evolving to meet and exceed your expectations. Just prior to the holidays, we launched the new STS Career Center. This Career Center includes a new job board along with other supporting information for successful navigation through the interview and contract negotiation process. We are especially committed to supporting our early career members as they launch into the world. We hope this new member offering will help members at every career stage progress through their careers on a secure footing.
One of our priorities is to develop mobile-friendly options that allow for quick and convenient access to what you need most to care for patients. We are in the final testing phases of a new risk calculator mobile app that will provide access to the full suite of STS risk calculators that help us guide and counsel patients in important treatment decisions.
Finally, we have engaged a technology partner that is helping us to curate digital content across all STS platforms using artificial intelligence. We have created CORA (Cardiothoracic Online Resource Assistant), a “bot” to help you find the answer to all your important clinical questions using STS-vetted information available across the STS universe. We will introduce you to CORA soon!
I look forward to seeing you in Los Angeles. Please continue to care for and support those impacted by the fires. I hope you have found a way to fill your bucket to navigate the coming year. And keep your eye out for exciting new member tools to help you be best informed to care for your patients.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Romano