Stand Out Among Your Competitors

By exhibiting at the 2025 STS Boot Camp, your brand will gain intimate access to 60 residents and 75 cardiothoracic surgeons from across the country in a highly stimulating and setting. Meet with prospective clients and showcase your services during 10 scheduled breaks and at breakfast and lunch served in the exhibit area.

Exhibitors are invited to participate (free of charge) in the STS Passport to Prizes program, an engaging booth driver that will elevate your traffic. All Boot Camp faculty and attendees receive a passport book at registration and are encouraged to visit exhibitor booths to learn about their solutions and receive a sticker. Once all stickers have been collected, boot camp participants are entered into a raffle to win an STS swag bag or gift card. Faculty are entered to win a donation to the Thoracic Surgery Foundation in their name.


Marriott Chicago O'Hare Hotel
8535 Higgins Rd
Chicago, IL 60631

Exhibition Schedule

Dates & TimesBreaks
Friday, Aug. 22
7 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
7-8 a.m. (breakfast)  
10-10:30 a.m. 
12:30-1:30 p.m. (lunch)
1:45-2 p.m.
4-4:30 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 23
7:15 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
7:15 -8 a.m. (breakfast) 
10-10:30 a.m. 
12:30-1:30 p.m. (lunch)
1:45-2 p.m.
4-4:30 p.m.


Exhibit Space*
Includes table, two chairs, electrical, and two exhibitor registrations.

Hands-On Workshop
Your company has the opportunity to sponsor a two-hour, non-CME hands-on workshop. STS will provide the venue and essential setup, including tables, chairs, Visqueen, disposable PPE (gowns, gloves, masks), waste removal, and AV support (one screen and one microphone). As a sponsor, you will be responsible for conducting the session, supplying products, equipment, and animal tissue, and collaborating with the course directors on program design. Sponsors will receive prominent recognition on event signage, the agenda, and the "Know Before You Go" email sent to all registrants. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to send an exclusive email blast to all attendees and feature an electronic advertisement in the program. Each workshop accommodates 60 participants (30 tables). The deadline to secure this opportunity is June 1. Options are:

Mitral Valve Surgery on Friday, Aug. 22 from 7:30-9:30pm
Mitral valve repair techniques continue to evolve and can be challenging to understand and perform. This session is designed to help attendees feel more comfortable performing mitral valve repair techniques. The trainees will learn to perform a mitral annuloplasty and use mitral repair techniques such as resection, plication, and neochords.

Aortic Valve Surgery on Saturday, Aug. 23 from 7:30-9:30 p.m.
This session is designed to help attendees feel more comfortable performing aortic valve surgery techniques. Trainees will learn to perform an aortotomy, resect aortic valve leaflets, place annular structures, suspend and insert one aortic valve, and close the aorta.

Contact Samantha McCarthy at for more information.

Lunch Symposium
Your company can offer a 45-minute educational program for attendees during the lunch hour on Friday, Aug. 22 or Saturday, Aug. 23. Basic AV, room setup, F&B, and two exhibitor registration badges are included.
Breakfast Symposium
Your company can offer a 45-minute educational program for attendees during breakfast on Saturday, Aug. 23. Basic AV, room setup, F&B, and two exhibitor registration badges are included.
Registrant Email Blast
STS will send an email on your company’s behalf to all registrants. Only one industry email will be sent per day.
Additional Industry Employee Badge
Secure through registration

*Companies must exhibit in order to secure any additional opportunities.