The expanding use of transcatheter valve technologies has changed the landscape in the treatment of valvular disease. Valve surgery is rapidly shifting to more complex interventions and concomitant procedures.
To inform heart team decision-making on valve surgery, The Society of Thoracic Surgeons has developed new Adult Cardiac Surgery Risk Calculators to include:
- New isolated tricuspid valve repair and replacement models;
- Updated SAVR models, including adjusting for prior TAVR; and
- Multi-valve surgery with or without concomitant CABG and other procedures.
STS rolled out all three interactive, mobile-friendly risk calculators in April 2024.
Isolated Tricuspid Valve Surgery Risk Calculator

Existing literature on national surgical outcomes of isolated tricuspid valve repair or replacement are based on data from over a decade ago and may not reflect current practice results.
Real-world contemporary data from the STS Adult Cardiac Surgery Database (ACSD) demonstrates increased volumes and improved outcomes for both isolated tricuspid repair and replacement. STS leveraged this data to develop the new Isolated Tricuspid Valve Surgery Risk Calculator, which provides a new benchmark to guide the heart team’s decision-making process.
Watch this brief video to learn more about the tricuspid risk models and new risk calculator.
SAVR After TAVR Risk Calculator

SAVR after previous TAVR is the fastest growing cardiac surgery procedure in the US. The majority require explant of their TAVR device and SAVR with significantly increased risk of operative mortality and stroke.
These real-world outcomes underlie the updated SAVR risk models. The new SAVR after TAVR Risk Calculator provides essential data to inform patient care decisions, particularly if TAVR is to be considered for younger age and low-risk patients.
Watch this brief video to learn more about the SAVR risk models and new risk calculator.
Multi-Valve Surgery Risk Calculator

STS leveraged contemporary national data from the STS Adult Cardiac Surgery Database to analyze the outcomes of patients who underwent multi-valve surgery. These real-world, contemporary outcomes data are the basis of the new Multi-Valve Risk Calculator.
Watch this brief video to learn more about the new risk calculator.