The Society’s 8 in 8 Series offers quick access to important topics in cardiothoracic surgery. Each informative video is narrated by an expert in the field and covers one topic using eight slides in 8 minutes. 

Cardiac surgery is an underappreciated contributor to the opioid crisis, with patients commonly utilizing opioid prescriptions months after their index procedure. This video addresses the historical basis for opioid-based anesthesia and analgesia in cardiac surgery and describes five programmatic strategies to reduce the perioperative use of opioids.  

Michael C. Grant, MD, MSE
Johns Hopkins Medicine

7 min.

Lactate production is a consequence of cardiac surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass. Patients with elevated lactate levels have increased 30-day mortality. This video addresses the etiology of elevated lactate and aggressive treatment to ensure the best postoperative outcome.

Shahnur Ahmed 
Wayne State University 

Frank A. Baciewicz Jr., MD
Wayne State University 

8 min.

Vasoplegic shock after cardiopulmonary bypass is characterized by refractory hypotension and high cardiac output with systemic vasodilatation. It also is associated with increased mortality. In this video, the latest strategies to prevent, mitigate, and treat this common problem are discussed.

Subhasis Chatterjee, MD
Baylor College of Medicine

Joseph Rabin, MD
University of Maryland Medical Center

9 min.
Importance of considering delirium as a medical emergency in the postoperative cardiac surgery patient.
9 min.
Ventilatory management in the use of venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), highlighting contemporary evidence to guide bedside decision-making.
8 min.